Thursday, March 5, 2020

Algebraic Symbols

Algebraic Symbols In algebra we use symbols for explaining the operations, relations or grouping. Symbols are more easier to write than the words, in other words we can say symbols are shorthand. Following are the some basic algebraic symbols we use in the algebraic expressions just like symbol for addition (+), symbol for subtraction (-), symbol for equivalence (=), symbol for much less than (), symbol for much greater than (), symbol for parenthesis (), symbol for brackets [ ], symbol for braces { }, symbol for function of x is f(x), symbol for open interval (a, b), symbol for closed interval [a, b], symbol for division (/), symbol for product ( ), symbol for plus or minus ( ), symbol for alpha ( ), symbol for beta ( ), symbol for not equal to () etc. Following are the examples based on the algebraic symbols: - Example 1: Solve: - 2 + 3 5 Solution 1:- Given 2 + 3 5, We know (+) is a symbol of addition, by using this symbol we add two numbers, and the symbol (-) is subtraction, subtraction symbol we used to subtract two numbers. 2+3-5 = 0 Example 2: Solve given expression 78/2 + 4 6 + 2 * 5 - 6 (23 6) Solution 2:- Given: -78/2 + 4 6 + 2 * 5 - 6 (23 6) For solving the algebraic expressions which is mixed of different operations, we use the PEMDAS rule. 78/2 + 4 6 + 2 * 5 - 6 (23 6) = 78/2 + 4 6 + 10 6 (17) = 78/2 + 4 6 + 10 102 = 39 + 4 -6 + 10 102 = -65

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